Author: admin

  • Tips for buying enterprise software

    Tips for buying enterprise software

    Document what you need vs what you want Do your research, don’t fall for the first shiny object, tech review platforms like G2 can help you learn from other’s mistakes Make a short list Demo, demo, demo, be rigorous Make a shorter short list Bring in cross-functional partners, prepare to be challenged Don’t make a…

  • Technical or Adaptive?

    Technical or Adaptive?

    Identifying the type of challenge in front of you can determine which course of action to take next to solve it. Is the challenge technical vs. adaptive? Having a systems background I tend to default to viewing every challenge as a technical one. Where a quick, concrete solution can be implemented by an expert or…

  • The subscription model

    The subscription model

    The subscription model is a business model where a customer is charged a recurring price at a regular cadence, usually monthly or yearly. Subscription models are not new, with book subscriptions going back to the seventeenth century. The rise of the digital economy and SaaS (Software As A Service) has seen subscriptions and recurring revenue…

  • “Let the data be the star”

    “Let the data be the star”

    These were the words my uni tutor spoke reviewing the findings of my research last month. The data gathering process for any research initiative should dispel or validate any previous assumptions made. By going through the process of research, from informal to academic, the one thing that stands out is how I can be so…